Month: July 2022

What is a quality comment?

We took some time today to read  blog comments and share what we noticed about the comments.

We also identified what the comments had in common. Here are some of the keywords we shared.

Take a look at the comments

Next we are going to create a poster with our recommendations for writing a quality comment.

What are yours? Leave a comment and let us know.

Sharing our learning on our blogs

This term we have been aiming to post at least one blog post a week.

Our goal is to be posting at least three posts a week by the end of Term 3.

Here are some of the posts we have shared this term.Visit learner blogs are linked in the right sidebar.


Blog Profile. Post by Angelina

Kia ora! My name is Angelina

Learning to use our Chromebook. Post by Grace

Know my keyboard

Getting good with Google Apps. Post by Faith

My Flower Made Out Of Different Textures

Achieving our goals. Post by Bronson

My Stage 4 Basic Facts